To March to the Oblique
To change the line of march for a short distance but not the
direction, the command is Right (Left) Oblique, MARCH.
Requirements: Marching at Attention; in Any Formation;at Close or Normal Interval; in the Cadence of Quick Time
To maintain alignment while in the Oblique, the base for
the movement is the extreme right or left file which has been
designated by the command. Members of the formation will keep
their shoulders parallel to the base and regulate their steps so
that the ranks remain parallel to the original front. The word oblique is pronounced to rhyme with strike.
Right Oblique: The command Right Oblique, MARCH is given while
marching at a quick time. The command of execution will be given
as the right foot strikes the ground, as this involves a movement to
the right. At the command of execution, your next step would be
one more 30" step to the front with your left foot. Your next step
would be to face 45 degrees to the right by pivoting on the ball of
the left foot and, at the same time, take a 30" step in the oblique
with your right foot. During the execution of this movement, the
arms will continue their swing but will not be allowed to swing
wide from the body. Continue to march in the right oblique until
given another command.
Left Oblique: This movement is executed in the same manner to
the left by substituting the words Left for Right where appropriate.
Five Movements May be Executed While in the Oblique:
(1) Half Step: The purpose of this movement is to slow the
forward movement but not the cadence. Assume you are marching
in the oblique and you receive the command Half Step, MARCH.
The command of execution may be given as either foot strikes
the deck. Half Step, MARCH. At the command of execution,
MARCH, your next step would be one more 30" step in the oblique
with your left/right foot. The next step will be a 15" half
step with the right/left foot. Continue to march in the
oblique until given another command. The only command you may
receive while half stepping in the oblique is Resume, MARCH.
The command of execution will be given as the left foot strikes
the deck. At the command of execution, your next step will be
one more 15" step in the oblique with your right foot. Your
next step will be a 30" step in the oblique with your left foot.
Continue to march in the oblique until given another command.
(2) Mark Time: While marching in the oblique and you receive
the command Mark Time, MARCH. The command of execution may be
given as either foot strikes the deck. The purpose of this
movement is to stop the forward movement but not the cadence.
For this example MARCH is given on the left foot. At the command of execution, MARCH, your next step will
be one more 30" step in the oblique with your right foot. Your
next step would be to drive the left foot forward along the
right foot with a straight left knee as in halting. You would
then begin marking time with your right foot by raising the toe
2" and the heel 4" off the deck. Continue to mark time until
given another command. The only command you may receive while
marking time in the oblique is Resume, MARCH. The command of
execution will be given as the left foot strikes the deck. At
the command of execution, your next step would be one more 2"
vertical step in place with your right foot. Your next step
would be a 30" step in the oblique with your left foot.
Continue to march in the oblique until given another command.
(3) In Place Halt: The command is In Place, HALT. The purpose
of this movement is to halt the platoon in the oblique. The
command of execution may be given as either foot strikes the
deck. For this example HALT is given on the left foot. At the
command of execution, and for the 1st count of halt, your next
step will be one more 30" step in the oblique with your right
foot. For the 2nd count of halt, smartly drive the left heel
against the right heel with a straight left knee, assuming the
position of attention. The only command you may receive from
In Place Halt is Resume MARCH. On the preparatory command,
Resume, shift the weight of your body to the right leg without
noticeable movement. On the command of execution, MARCH, step
off with your left foot a 30' step in the oblique and continue
to march until given another command.
(4) Halt: The command is HALT. This command is always
preceded by a preparatory command which is designated by the
size of the unit, such as Squad, Platoon, or Company. The
purpose of this movement is to halt the unit facing forward. In
a right oblique, the command of execution will be given as the
left foot strikes the deck, as this involves a movement to the
left. At the command of execution, and for the 1st count of
halt, you will take one more 30" step in the oblique with your
right foot. For the 2nd count of halt, face 45 degrees to the
left, toward your original front, by pivoting on the ball of
your right foot. At the same time, smartly bring your left
heel against the right heel, assuming the position of attention.
(5) Forward March: The purpose of this movement is to march
the unit to its original front. When marching in the right
oblique, the command of execution, MARCH, will be given as the
left foot strikes the deck. At the command of execution, your
next step will be one more 30" step in the oblique with your
right foot. Your next step is to face 45 degrees to the left
by pivoting on the ball of your right foot. Do not allow the
arms to swing wide from the body, but continue their natural
swing, and continue to march until given another command. When
marching in the left oblique, the command is given on the
opposite foot as above.