Drill of the Squadron

Massing the Squadron When in Column at Close Interval

To form the squadron in mass when it is halted in column, the command is Squadron Mass Left, MARCH. On the preparatory command, the leading flight commander gives the command STAND FAST.

Each flight commander of the succeeding flights commands Column Half Left. On the command MARCH, the leading flight stands fast. In turn, each
rear flight executes a column half left, and the flight commander commands Column Half Right to move the flight to the new position at a 4-inch interval alongside the flight it was following.

Each flight commander halts the flight when its leading rank is on line with the leading rank of the flight already on line. This places the squadron in mass with 4-inch interval between all individuals in rank (see figure on the right).

To form the squadron in mass while marching, the commands by the squadron commander are the same as if halted. On the preparatory command, the A Flight commander commands CONTINUE THE MARCH, and flight commanders of succeeding flights command Column Half Left.

On the command MARCH, the commander of the leading flight (A Flight) halts the flight, and
the other flights move to the new positions in the same manner as before.

Squadron in Mass Formation
