Opening and Closing Ranks
Open ranks, MARCH is executed from a line formation while at the halt. It may be executed while at any of the prescribed intervals. The commands for these movements are Open ranks, MARCH and Close ranks, MARCH.
On the command of execution MARCH, the front rank takes two steps forward, the second rank takes one step forward, the third rank stands fast, and the fourth rank takes two steps backward. If additional ranks are present, the fifth rank takes four steps backward, and the sixth rank takes six steps backward.
NOTE: After taking the prescribed steps, the men do not raise their arms. If the platoon leader wants exact interval or alignment, he commands At close Interval (At double Interval), Dress right, DRESS.
To close ranks, the command is Close ranks, MARCH. On the command of execution MARCH, the first rank takes four steps backward, the second rank takes two steps backward, the third rank stands fast, and the fourth rank takes one step forward.
On the command of execution MARCH, the platoon leader and platoon sergeant take the appropriate number of steps to maintain their posts.