The Drill Pad
Army Drill
Manual of the Guidon


a. The guidon is a company, battery, or troop identification flag. It is present at all unit formations unless otherwise directed by the commander.

b. When armed with a rifle, the guidon bearer slings the weapon behind his back with the sling diagonally across his chest and the muzzle end up and to the left (Figure C-1).
Figure C-1, Order Guidon

c. When the unit is formed, the guidon bearer is one step in front of and two (15-inch) left steps to the right of and facing the person forming the unit (the person forming the unit is facing the unit.) If the first sergeant forms the unit, the guidon bearer steps forward three steps on the command POST.

d. To face with the guidon, raise the ferrule one inch off the marching surface by bending the right elbow slightly. After executing the movement, automatically lower the ferrule to the order position. Keep the staff vertical throughout the movement.

e. Execute facing movements, marching movements, present arms (present guidon), and rest movements with the unit. During manual of arms movements, remain at order guidon except for present arms (Figure C-1).

f. When in a line formation and the company is faced to the right for a marching movement, face to the right in marching, assume the double time position and double time from that position to a position five steps forward of and centered on the squad leaders of the first platoon. If the company commander joins the formation at the head of the column (six steps in front of and centered on the squad leaders), execute two left steps (Figure C-6).

Figure C-6, Double Time


NOTE: Execute raised guidon only on the preparatory commands for Present, ARMS; Eyes, RIGHT; and on the preparatory command Order of Order, ARMS following the execution of present arms and eyes right. Also execute raised guidon on the preparatory command Ready of Ready, FRONT.
Order Guidon
At order guidon (position of attention), keep the ferrule on the marching surface and touching the outside of the right foot, opposite the ball of the right foot. Hold the staff in the right hand in the "U" formed by the fingers (extended and joined pointing downward) and thumb. Keep the right hand and arm behind the staff. Rest the staff against the hollow of the shoulder (Figure C-1).

Rest Positions
a. On the preparatory command Parade, move the right hand up the staff until the forearm is horizontal and grasp the staff (1, Figure C-2). On the command of execution REST, thrust the staff straight forward keeping the ferrule on the marching surface until the arm is fully extended, and at the same time, execute parade rest as in individual drill (2, Figure C-2).

Figure C-2, Parade Rest
b. Stand at ease is the same as parade rest, except that the eyes and head are turned toward the commander.

c. Execute at ease and rest with the guidon from the order guidon position.

Carry Guidon
a. On the preparatory command for marching movements, execute carry guidon from order guidon by grasping the staff with the right hand and raising it vertically six inches off the marching surface. At the same time, reach across the body (forearm horizontal) and grasp the staff with the left hand (1, Figure C-3). Hold the staff in position with the left hand while sliding the right hand down six inches, regrasping the staff. On the command of execution MARCH, return the left hand smartly to the left side and simultaneously step off (2, Figure C-3).

Figure C-3, Carry Position
b. To resume order guidon from carry guidon, let the staff slide through the right hand until the ferrule touches the marching surface.

c. When double timing, carry the guidon diagonally across the body in the same manner as port arms.

Raised Guidon
On the preparatory command Present of Present, ARMS and Eyes of Eyes, RIGHT, raise the guidon vertically by grasping the staff with the right hand. Raise the guidon with the right hand while simultaneously moving the left hand across the body to guide the guidon (with palm to the rear,(1, Figure C-4). Keep raising the guidon until the right hand is on line with the right shoulder. Keep the right elbow into the side. Hold the guidon in this position until the command of execution is given (2, Figure C-4).
Figure C-4, Raised Guidon
Present Guidon
a. On the preparatory commands for Present ARMS and Eyes RIGHT, execute raised guidon. On the command of execution, lower the guidon to the front using the right hand, keeping the left hand in the same position as raised guidon until the guidon is in the horizontal position resting under the arm pit. As soon as the staff is horizontal, return the left hand sharply to the left side (Figure C-5).

Figure C-5, Present Guidon
b. During a review, execute eyes right as the guidon is presented on the command of execution RIGHT. Move the head and eyes to the front as the guidon is raised on the command Ready of Ready, FRONT.

c. On the command Order of Order, ARMS or Ready of Ready, FRONT, regrasp the staff with the left hand at its original position and execute raised guidon. On the command of execution ARMS or FRONT, lower the guidon back to the carry or order position.

Guidon Bearer’s Salute
a. When the guidon bearer (not in formation) has to salute from the order or carry position, the salute is given with the left hand. Move the left hand sharply to a position so that the first joint of the forefinger is touching the staff. The fingers and thumb are extended and joined, palm down, wrist straight, and forearm horizontal (Figure C-7).

Figure C-7, Individual Salute

b. After the salute is acknowledged, return the left hand sharply to the side.

c. When at double time (not in formation), return to quick time, returning the guidon to the carry position and render the guidon salute as previously described (subparagraph a). Upon completing the salute return to the carry position and resume double time (Figure C-6).